Sunday, April 20, 2008

Super Baha'i Girl

I watched this video on YouTube at: ( called “Super Baha’i Girl”, which was a movie geared towards children to educate them about the Baha’i faith if they are interested to learn. The movie had a very interesting premise; it was acted by teenagers and although an amateur film, encompassed the central point and goal of the Baha’i faith. Super Baha’i girl was a superhero who was holding a discussion session with various other religious super heroes, Super Christian Man, Super Hindu Man, Super Buddhist Woman, Super Jewish Girl, and Super Islam man. They were all there to discuss what the Baha’i faith is and how it works and to all discuss their own religions. I was confused at first at who the girl who was playing the “evil” part was but I realized later she was supposed to represent the peer pressure surrounding children in life and specifically in their choices of religion. The evil peer pressure villain made all the religious super heroes believe they couldn’t get along or have a civil discussion about their religions because they had different faiths. All the super heroes went to fight crime when they would fight with each other because they believed their super hero power could save the day better. Their fighting was increased by the attack of peer pressure villains. In the end Baha’i girl speaks words of the Baha’i faith and makes all of the super heroes including the villain believe that they can all cooperate and learn something from each other. The message was really interesting and I think was done in a way that children who were trying to understand the message and goal of the Baha’i faith would be able to understand.
The idea behind the movie was sometimes our faith is a way to separate people. People practice different faiths and those different faiths often have different ways of praying, different ceremonies, different rules etc. and sometimes that can feel like it might put distance between people. The idea of the movie was about peer pressure and sometimes how on children and adults alike, there can feel like there is peer pressure to remain strictly within the boundaries of your own religion and a feeling that no one will understand the practices of your own faith and that makes you all too different. However, as I have learned more and more the Baha’i faith stresses the unity of all religions and that more is accomplished as unified religions then it is as divided. Also the movie showed how by the unity of faiths, people can overcome the pressure to be divided. I thought the movie had a strong message about what the faith is about and though it was geared towards children, I think anyone trying to get a better understanding of the Baha’i faith, children and adults alike, will get something from the unified theme within this film.

Super Baha’i girl. 8min 51sec. Youtube. accessed 20 April 2008.


1 comment:

GWD said...

This video is one of the top Baha'i videos on YouTube, and done by youth in their early teens -- amazing. I've posted about it back in January on my blog Baha'i Views:

"On Super Baha'i Girl: 25,524 views on YouTube so far"